
ML Researcher | Software Engineer


Nothing excites me more

than solving novel problems

with innovative solutions


Project #00


[M.ASC Research @ University of Toronto]

Rust-powered, software defined application space overlay network for speeding up inter-DC ML.

Rust, TypeScript, PostgresSQL, Docker

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Project #01


[Huawei 2012 Labs]

Machine learning-based traffic engineering algorithm for large scale networks.

Python, PyTorch, SK-Learn, Pandas

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Project #02


[B.ASC Capstone @ University of Waterloo]

Web application for benchmarking ML adversarial attack algorithms.

PyTorch, TensorFlow, Flask, Ruby on Rails, MangoDB, Docker, JavaScript

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Project #03

<CloudFormation BI>

[Amazon Web Services]

Business Intelligence pipelines for tracking usage of new software feature released for CloudFormation.

Java, Kotlin, AWS, Ruby, DynamoDB, Spark

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